Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos Home

Hello, and welcome to the Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos! I’m Duth Olec, the guy who makes the Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos. What is the Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos? You can find out about the Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos here! I’m going to start abbreviating Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos now!

This site is the hub for the crazy stories of the CCC. Although it’s not yet far past the beginning, the future ahead seems endless. The first CCC Novel, Slubes, is now available for purchase, and the second novel, Darmenzi, is currently being posted in the in-progress, or prog (trust me, this term will def catch on) version as a monthly serial. A slew of profiles on people and places and things in the CCC are also available.

SlubestitleClick the cover on the left to read about Darmenzi, the second Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos novel, available now.

Click the cover on the right to read about Wandering Fortunes, the third Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos novel, which is being posted in the prog (totally catching on!) version on this website in a monthly serial format.

I also have a blaargablog and Twitter for updates on what I’m doing, as well as a Patreon page if anyone out there likes my writing enough to chip in some funds and allow some neat stuff to happen. My novels are also available to read on Wattpad and Medium. You can contact me by email via dutholec at gmail, or for other websites I’m on check out the contact page.

Hope you have fun! Hope to have fun!