Friends and Others of Interest

Here you can find the places ran by friends of mine, as well as some other places of interest. Or, if not interest, at least… int…egers…?

Writers of the Fediverse: Heard of the Fediverse? It’s a federated verse! Like… uh… music. Or maybe something else. Here you can check out other creative creatures from the Fediverse. The previous one? The next one? A random one??

The Lair of Mad Goblin: The Lair of Mad Hemoglobin, ran by a man of many names (Bimblesnaff being a prominent one!) Writings, rantings, drawings, comics.

Reality’s End: A site ran by the not-so-minty-fresh Mints. Some type of programming wizard, he has actual games! Also community collaborative writing… that’s in sore need of an update.

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