Set of new profiles

I’ve been putting this off for a while but I finally got around to doing the rest of the profiles for Wandering Fortunes. We have two locations, the Thraundlus Kingdom and the planet Derantu, two species, fustornises and then various wild animals of Derantu, and one character, King Eintandus 4.

My new project focus continues to move along at a steady pace. I wonder if there’s a way to have two separate blog/update pages on this website? Then I could have this one for the CCC and a separate section to update and post about that project. I don’t want people to see it if they don’t want to, but my higher success in that tells me to focus on it more.

New Species Profile up for Kanhase

Introduced in the most recent chapter, kanhases can be found all throughout Derantu but vary widely throughout. Check out the profile! And check out the new Pokemon Moon comic coming sometime within the next week unless I forget but I definitely won’t.

(A new profile will be going up soon early for Patreon backers, but because the middle of the month snuck up on me I… haven’t written it yet. I need to get on that.)

This month’s new profile is… a rerun?? How about just some end-of-year plans instead?

Okay so this is hilarious and dumb. This month I was going to post a new species profile for Help Blocks. They’re not really a species but as a special type of robot I figured I would detail them. After I put it up for Patreon–$3+ patrons get to read those things early–I realized… I already had a profile page up for them! Somehow I’d missed that and typed them in as still needing one! I didn’t realize this until after writing a new one, but the new one was better so I put that up, so it’s still new in a way! (That said, it appears to have not been added to the Species page, so… what am I even doing????? Did I never make it public? Did I just not add it to that page? My head hurts. Moving on.)

So anyway you might be wondering why the font is different. WELL. WordPress used to not carry the font over from word documents, where I copy chapters and stories from, but it did take other formatting such as italics. Well now it takes the font, so either I have to start using the font I use in word documents (Corbel) or remove the font every time I post a new chapter. So this is my way of saying, hey, guess what, you’re going to start reading everything in Corbel! Uh, let me know if it’s worse. It seems kind of thinner, but that might be because it’s sans-serif, and I’ve read that it’s easier to read sans-serif on computer screens than serif anyway. Maybe at some point I’ll get around to updating older pages with the font change, and I really should because it’ll look bad being different at places, I wonder actually if there’s a way to just set it to automatically make everything the same font, in fact let me look right now… Okay it looks like there might be but it doesn’t have Corbel so bleah. To do so otherwise might be to dig through code and let me be honest I would rather brute force it than mess with code. My head hurts enough as it is.

SO. ANYWAY. I said I was going to discuss plans for the rest of the year! November 1st is not a new Wandering Fortunes chapter, but instead I’ll be posting a new short story! We’ll be visit some old friends, or enemies, or acquaintances, or something. It’s sad and lonely and lava. Should be fun! Then, in December, an intermission for Wandering Fortunes. It’s not a full chapter, and in fact it’s really short, so the end of the year might be a bit light on content, but on the flipside I’m hoping to have another one of those Top! Interruptus! scene thingies. The Wandering Fortunes intermission will actually go up on Patreon November 1st, a month early–with this, I’m going to start putting chapters up a full month early instead of half a month, so patrons get an even better bonus! (I’m also considering rearranging some rewards, but more on that when I get to it.)

Anyway, that’s about that. Might also have a small chance of a preview for another project before the year’s end, but honestly, don’t hold your breath, it’s had quite a few snags along the way–but I’m really hoping to have at least a preview by February, the one-year anniversary of Darmenzi‘s full release…

Species Profile: Kudeso

The last Wandering Fortunes chapter featured a kudeso as a major character, so I figured let’s take a look at this speed freak bird species. Here’s the profile page for kudesos, which I think just about wraps up all the major Zhop species. There may be a few more here and there.

Just a reminder, those who give to my Patreon can read chapters half a month early, and the next chapter will be going up later today (or tonight depending on when I doze off today). Same with my Ko-fi–send a cup, read the next chapter early!

Let’s look at some wild animals of Zhop! or, talk about our feelings

Yeah here’s a profile on the wild animals of Zhop. That’s about it!

Been feeling kind of mentally crummy this week which is why there’s been no Odemon. I’ll probably return to it next week, but it’s hard for me to now see fan works as not “free advertising for a capitalist institution”.

If only I’d done, like, Odertale instead or something. “Odewebcomics which is one of the few forms of media I don’t see terribly tainted by capitalism”.

Of course, the somewhat official loss of net neutrality on Monday didn’t help. It all kind of makes it hard to feel like there’s ANYTHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO ANYMORE. Everything is bad and will get worse. You know the only thing I feel I can look forward to now?

Writing novels and stories.

Which is less sustainable without net neutrality…

New Species Profile for Cappipoto

Today’s (and this month’s) species profile details one of the biggest ones you’ll see around here, the cappipoto. They’ve got a gut like a bowling ball and a snout big enough to eat one. In Wandering Fortunes see see them throughout New Zhopolis, but they have a quite different culture at their homelands on the opposite side of the planet. Take a read here!

You can also see these profiles half a month early if you give to my Patreon. I just posted next month’s excitingly depressing chapter there, which you can also see if you give to my Ko-fi.

New Species Profile for Sharls

The species profile page for sharls is now available. They got kind of a bum position in society, almost always being used as servants or lower employees, and their status is determined by their shell color–some get to (“get to”) serve high-ranking aristocratic wealthy types, others can barely get jobs.

Life can be tough for a sharl.