Eiffel Tower 3D Puzzle

Oops I meant to make a post about this about two weeks ago and it slipped my mind so HERE YOU GO20160219_213249

Yeah, I put together a building 3D puzzle. None of the pieces are actually 3D (sort of). It was a bit weird–the back of every piece had a number and which direction the next numbered piece went on. The most difficult part was the edges–I say sort of not-3D because the edges required you to actually bend them, which caused not an insignificant amount of frustration, especially the smaller pieces. In the course of trying to bend them I managed to actually break one of the pieces. But hey, it looks neat. It has lights. This photo isn’t even the end of it. DISCO GO


Spooky 3D Puzzles OF TERROR

Actually, that title should have been for that butterfly puzzle. That one was a real terror. I’ll once again point out it was a level 1 puzzle, and these two puzzles, levels 2 and 3, were far easier. Perhaps not easier to locate where all the pieces went, but definitely easier to actually put together, so I guess level is based on location, location, location, and not getting the dang thing together, getting the dang thing together, getting the dang thing together.

Images? We got images!

This 3D puzzle…


I would not have guessed that it doubles as a metaphor for a thing that what it is is often a metaphor for. Butterflies? Flowers? Fragility of life? Fragility by gravity??

Crystal Butterfly

Pretty, right? Pretty ridiculous. Pretty hard. Currently it is sitting on the counter with superglue on it because it does not stay together otherwise. I feel like it’s under ridiculous pressure and gravitational forces and at the slightest touch will literally explode.

This. While putting it together, I had to tape parts of it together to hold it together while I put it together.


The first two puzzles I did–that panda and bird–were challengey, and though there were a few points where I had to squeeze pieces into place, it wasn’t liable to explode (although at one point I had to rebuild the bird, but the pieces were organized so I knew where each one was).

The butterfly was easy. A few instances of difficulty, and a couple pieces aren’t completely firm, but it’s okay. The flower was awful. Getting all the petals together required more finesse than someone without telekinesis has. I still have no idea how I got them all together, which is why I immediately went for the tape. Then I got the other parts in and could not figure out the tightening rod in the center–it didn’t seem long enough. Once more I had to squeeze it in there. Finally, the butterfly stays on, but at the slightest touch it falls. It doesn’t actually snap in; it only stays on by sheer counterbalance forces.

So, again: metaphor for fragility of how life exists in just an extremely smooth spot between complete destruction. I glued the butterfly to the notches where it goes. It will not be flapping its wings to cause any storms.

Apparently my reviewing of 3D puzzles is now a recurring feature, ’cause I got more coming.

Oh, right, and by the way, this is a level one puzzle. That bird was level 2 and it was easier. This butterfly should be a level 5. (It only goes to 3.)

Hm, maybe I should actually put this up as a review on where I got it. There are currently no reviews