Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos Shirt!


On the last day of April comes, for the first time ever, a shirt for the Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos. With a design drawn by Jameshark the Jamesghost. The shop for Cloudy Cuckoo Cosmos products is on the website Spreadshirt over here.


At the moment all I have is a men’s and women’s t-shirt. I’m considering using the design for a mug? Spreadshirt has a lot of products you can put designs on to the point it’s a little ridiculous, but if anyone is ever interested in seeing a design on a certain product let me know, I’m willing to consider it. Over time I might add more. I might even use the cover art for some novels on some products. I’ll keep you posted if I do. I’ll also add a new page on the website for the shop.

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